Report a problem with a footpath

Problems with footpaths are generally the responsibility of the local authority in which the path is situated. You can report problems to their Public Rights of Way Department and most local authorities have contact details on their website.

Rights of way issues at Wiltshire Council should be emailed to:


Bath and North East Somerset Council can be contacted by email at :


Gloucestershire County Council should be contacted at:


You should give as much detail about the problem and the location as possible. It is also a good idea to send in a photo of the problem at the same time. Many of BRC’s walks are outside BANES and many will take place in Somerset, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire.

If possible, it is helpful to give them a path number. Path numbers are found nationally on https://www.rowmaps.com where you can scroll down the page and type in a place name. This will take you to a map selector where you can choose Ordnance Survey Map(for instance) to zoom in on. Click on any path to be given its path number.

If you cannot find a path number when reporting a problem (or in addition to a path number), then an Ordnance Survey grid reference can also be helpful.